The News
Blueberry Run Public Notice
The Marine Riders Trail Association would like to advise all Blueberry Run trail users that construction to re-grade the existing railbed and improve trail drainage will begin September 23rd, 2024 and it anticipated to take 6-8 weeks. Work will be completed in sections, beginning at Stella/Marine Drive, and continuing south towards Seaforth. For public safety, as work progresses, the current section of trail being restored will be closed to all users, and will be flagged with signage and barricades at the nearest trail entrances. We thank the public and all trail users for their understanding and support of this initiative to restore the Blueberry Run trail.
Blueberry Run Vegetation Tender
The Marine Riders Trails Association is offering local contractors the opportunity to bid on a Tender to remove vegetation from the Blueberry Run Trail between Rutter Court in Seaforth and Highway 207 in Porters Lake. Offers will be considered until 1700 Hrs July 7, 2023. More details and a link to the Tender document can be found here:
MRTA Vegetation Tender Document
Blueberry Run News
The Marine Riders Trail Association has started a major reinstatement project to bring the facility at its expected standards as set by the Department of Natural Resources and Renewals (DNRR). The final facility width will be 3m-3.5m to safely accommodate a wide range of users: active transportation and OHV as per their current user permissions from the DNRR.
The vegetation clearing is the first step to restore the trail bed width the drainage system and sight lines. The next phase will be to restore the drainage system and trail bad grading then the surface, so it becomes accessible for all users.
This is a multi-year recapitalization project (not routine maintenance) but the results will safely connect the communities of Eastern Passage Cole Harbour Lawrencetown Porters Lake continuing into Gaetz Brook and Musquodoboit.
The Blueberry Run Reinstatement Project
Blueberry Run Reinstatement project has begun! The Marine Riders Trails Association has contracted WSP to develop a detailed design which we can then use to tender the reinstatement work. With financial help from HRM NS Communities Culture Tourism and Heritage Trans Canada Trail and the Off-Highway Vehicle Infrastructure Fund we hope to begin ‘shovels-in-the-ground’ work next spring. Stay tuned for more information.
In the meantime, if you can help out, please consider contacting us. Drop by a general meeting evening or email us using our contact form below. We'd love to hear from you!